Travel procedures related to employee safety, security and well-being have proliferated at large corporations as well as many midsize businesses. Best practices exist, and les¬sons are learned with every medical, natural, political or criminal event that impacts the safety of traveling personnel.
But these practices remain undeveloped at many institu¬tions of higher learning – despite a trend toward globalization that has increased travel abroad for many universities. Advocates are hoping that building awareness along with new approaches to traveler tracking will help drive greater adoption of travel programs.
The purpose of this paper is to assess the challenges of travel risk management at insti¬tutions of higher learning and offer solutions for fixing the duty of care dilemma. In gathering information for this report, PhoCusWright spoke with travel and risk professionals at 11 universities, most of them large U.S. institutions.
A number of these schools had recently created new travel or risk programs, some with dedicated man¬agement positions. While many are improving and expanding their risk management efforts, in the words of one of them, “it’s a very hard slog.”