S E C U R I T Y A T S C A L E W I T H C L O U D C O M P U T I N G : A Minute in the Life of Google

No one in today’s highly connected world is exempt from security threats like phishing, ransomware, or denial-of-service (DoS) attacks. Certainly not Google. Google operates seven services with more than one billion active users each (including Google Search, YouTube, Maps, and Gmail). We see every type of attack, bad software, and bad actors—multiple times a day—and we’re proud of what our people, processes, and technology do to stop them.

This whitepapers describes how Google Cloud obsess about security so that our customers don’t have as security is a critical component in furthering the positive impact of technology—in the enterprise, in education, in government, and especially when we use technology in our personal lives.

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